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Special Issue of the Swiss Journal of Geosciences

Following the 16th EGU Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies (commonly known as the Alpine Workshop) held in Siena (Italy) in September 2024, we announce a thematic volume in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences aiming to present contributions across a wide range of geological disciplines (tectonics and structural geology, petrology and geochemistry, geochronology, stratigraphy, sedimentology and basin analysis, geophysics and geomorphology) to advance our knowledge of how the Alpine and adjacent orogens evolved through time.

The Swiss Journal of Geosciences is published fully Open Access. The APC fee (article processing charge) is EUR 1290 (+VAT) independent of page numbers (EUR 800 for members of the Swiss Geological Society). The Journal also offer Editorial Waivers for authors who do not have funding or in financial need.

Guest Editors:

The Deadline for manuscript submission is 30.09.2025.

All articles of the Special Issue will continuously be published online after acceptance and grouped on the journal’s website as an “Article Collection”. All article can be read and downloaded for free by everyone.

If you are interested in contributing to the Special Issue, please send an email to:

Here you can find more information about:

More specific information about APC and on how to ask for a waiver can be found here: