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Field Trip B (Post-Congress)

The Alpi Apuane and a geological transect of the Northern Apennines.

Field Trip Leaders: Paolo Conti1, Giancarlo Molli2.
1University of Siena, 2University of Pisa.

The excursion will take in classic locations of the western, central, and eastern Alpi Apuane, a key area of the Northern Apennines where the nappe systems and structural features critical to understanding the tectonic evolution of this mountain range will be observed and illustrated.

Field Trip B Guide-Book in PDF format

2 days (19-20 September 2024), three overnight stays.
Max. 24 participants.
See this page.
Deadline for registration and payment for excursion is 30.5.2024.
The excursion will start from Siena immediately after the end of the Congress on 18.9.2024. Participants will be taken by bus to Marina di Massa, and will reach the Hotel Casa Faci in the late afternoon, in time for dinner.
We will be staying at the Hotel Casa Faci on the evenings of 18-19-20.9.2024. On the morning of 21.9.2024 the excursion is over and participants will be taken by bus to the Massa Centro railway station. The station is on the railway line that can lead to Rome, Milan, Florence or Pisa (the nearest airport). See train timetable.
Travel, overnight stay (18-19-20 September), dinner, breakfast, lunches, printed guide-book. Field trip participants will be accommodated in shared double rooms.
Not included
Participants will be dropped off at the Massa Centro railway station on the morning of 21.9.2024, they will have to reach the next desired destination at their own expense.


1st Day - 19.9.2024 - Topics: A regional transect through the structural architecture of the Alpi Apuane from Massa to Garfagnana.

2nd Day - 20.9.2024 - Topics: The north-eastern Alpi Apuane: polyphase deformation in the Orto di Donna valley.