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Social Events

Two social events are planned for the Conference: the Ice-breaker party, which will take place on the evening before the Conference, and the Conference Dinner that will be held on the second day of the Conference.

Ice-breaker party

The ice-breaker will be held on the eve before the conference (15 September) at the Conference Venue, from 18:00 to 20:00. We will offer participants early registration and the opportunity for informal conversation with refreshments. Participation in the Ice-breaker party is free, and is included in the registration fee.

Conference Dinner

The Conference Dinner will take place in the historical centre of Siena, in the premises of the "Contrada della Tartuca", on Tuesday 17 September, only a 10-minute walk from the Conference Venue. Before dinner, there will be a guided tour of the Contrada's Museum to illustrate the Contrada's participation in the life of the city of Siena over the centuries, its role in the social development of the city, and life during the Palio competition. The meeting point for the conference dinner will be at the "Museo Contrada della Tartuca", Via Tommaso Pendola 19, at 19:30.

Open Conference Dinner meeting point location in Google Maps

Open Conference Dinner meeting point location in Apple Maps